One of the less used, but widely distributed macro processors (M4) can be transformed into a functional language. After reading
I decided to create some list processing functions (Foldr,Foldl,Head,Tail,Append,Prepend,Null,Sum,Filter)
To implement Foldr and Foldl I have used CPS (continuation passing style), so these functions are difficult to read, but easily testable. Just fireup haskell and try: foldr (-) 0 [3,2,1] -> 2 and foldl should give -6. So Foldl(`Sub',0,[3;2;1]) should give -6 too.
Some logic operators (Not,And,Or,isBool)
Adding support for 'lambdas' -not really, but it is close- and add support for currying.
Maybe I change it in a real project some day. It is rather fun and with foldl and foldr a lot of functions from Data.List can be ported. The real challenge is adding monads. I am not sure if that is possible yet, but I have the feeling it probably can.
Of course there is no type system, but it suprised me how easily most functions could be implemented.
An example:
`foldr'(`x',0,[3;2;1]) is : Foldr(`x',0,t)
`foldl'(`x',0,[3;2;1]) is : Foldl(`x',0,t)
The output of this is:
foldr(x,0,[3;2;1]) is : 2
foldl(x,0,[3;2;1]) is : -6
Even cooler is that you can write your testcases in haskell. Like:
test1 = `foldr' (-) 0 [3,2,1] == Foldr(`x',0,`[3;2;1;]')
Which gives us in ghci:
test1 = foldr (-) 0 [3,2,1] == (2)
ann@ann-desktop:~$ ghci
GHCi, version 6.12.2: :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package ffi-1.0 ... linking ... done.
Prelude> foldr (-) 0 [3,2,1] == (2)
This is the minilib, it is somewhat dense, but so I could use it in a project:
dnl# `Id`
define(Id, $1)dnl
dnl# `Lambda'
define(Lambda, `define($1, `$2')')dnl
define(Curry1, `define($1,`$2'($3,$`'1,$`'2,$`'3,$`'4))')dnl
define(Curry2, `define($1,`$2'($3,$4,$`'1,$`'2,$`'3,$`'4))')dnl
define(Curry3, `define($1,`$2'($3,$4,$5,$`'1,$`'2,$`'3,$`'4))')dnl
define(Curry4, `define($1,`$2'($3,$4,$5,$6,$`'1,$`'2,$`'3,$`'4))')dnl
define(Curry5, `define($1,`$2'($3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$`'1,$`'2,$`'3,$`'4))')dnl
define(Curry6, `define($1,`$2'($3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$`'1,$`'2,$`'3,$`'4))')dnl
dnl# `Logical operators'
define(True, 1)dnl
define(Not, `ifelse($1, True, False, `ifelse($1, False, True, `errprint(Not a bool)')')')dnl
define(isBool, `ifelse($1, True, True, `ifelse($1, False, True, False)')')dnl
define(And, `ifelse($1, True, `ifelse($2, True, True, False)', False)')dnl
define(Or, `ifelse($1, True, True, `ifelse($2, True, True, False)')')dnl
dnl# `List operators'
define(Empty, [])dnl
define(Prep, `ifelse($2,[],[$1;],[$1;`substr($2,1,decr(len($2)))')')dnl
define(App, `ifelse($2,[],[$1;],`substr($2, 0, decr(len($2)))'$1;])')dnl
define(Next, `substr($2,$1,1)')dnl
define(Getpos, `ifelse(Next($1,$2),$3,$1,`Getpos(incr($1), $2, $3)')')dnl
define(Head, `substr($1, 1, decr(Getpos(0, $1,;)))')dnl
define(Tail, `ifelse($1,[],`errprint(tail: empty list)',[`substr($1,incr(Getpos(0,$1,;)))')')dnl
define(Index, `ifelse($1,0,`Head($2)',`Index(decr($1), Tail($2))')')dnl
define(Null, `ifelse($1,[],True,False)')dnl
dnl# `Foldr continuation passing style'
define(_Step, `$4(`$1',$1(Head($3),$2),Tail($3))')dnl
define(Foldr, `ifelse(Null($3),True,$2,`_Step(`$1',$2,$3,`Foldr')')')dnl
dnl# `Foldl continuation passing style'
define(_Stepl, `$4(`$1',$1($2,Head($3)),Tail($3))')dnl
define(Foldl, `ifelse(Null($3),True,$2,`_Stepl(`$1',$2,$3,`Foldl')')')dnl
dnl# `Sum example usage of Foldr'
define(Plus, `eval($1+$2)')dnl
define(Sum, `Foldr(`Plus',0,$1)')dnl
dnl# `Filter'
dnl# `Filter creates an locally scoped curried function, implemented withdefine..undefine'
dnl# ` ```$1''' is just a trick to get the function unpacked at the right place. Every passing
dnl# `removes a `' from the functionname'
define(_Stepf, `ifelse($1($2), True, Prep($2, $3), $3)')dnl
dnl# `Example foldr and foldl'
define(t, Prep(3,Prep(2,Prep(1, Empty))))dnl
`foldr'(`x',0,[3;2;1]) is : Foldr(`x',0,t)
`foldl'(`x',0,[3;2;1]) is : Foldl(`x',0,t)
zaterdag 8 mei 2010
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